Because you can't compare eras. Just because you have more and you do more doesn't mean you're better.

Context is everything...we can't be prisoner of the moment and every accomplisment of this era should allow us to revisit the greatness of our elders.


What jesse OWENS did was incredible, especially if you take in consideration the racial context and all that. Plus, we actually never saw the best of Jesse because he stopped his career so young...JUST IMAGINE !




“Try to compare two athletes from different eras is like trying to determine who’s the strongest……..the elephant or the ANT"



"The most impressive and sad about that athlete is that he accomplished all these incredible things....before his prime. Just imagine"


May 25, 1935

21-year-old Jesse owens, set five world records and equalled a sixth in 45 minutes in the big 10 conference world championships, he averaged a world record every nine minutes despite an injury.................. READ THE FULL ARTICLE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY HERE !