WAINAO : braves, bastards and heaven


WAINAO is the name we have chosen because it is a word that contains the 3 main components and our project


The first two are easy enough to find as WAINAO phonetically reminds the sentence "WHY NOW". These two words evoke two elements: CURIOSITY and TIME. 

  • CURIOSITY because the project is in the form of riddles (The information on the event we are talking about is bot obvious at first ), which necessarily implies to ask questions. Questioning the nature of the event, the reasons, the mechanisms that led to a particular situation etc ... And more broadly we ask people to be in the questioning, the interrogation and to be curious about the world in which they live and its complexities.
  • TIME: We have a a very strong link with Time. The foundation on which we base our whole approach is history and stories. Especially as we love to link all these events occurred in a more or less recent and current events.
  • The third element is the rejection, rebellion, symbolized by the second part of the word "WAINAO". "NAO" in Portuguese means NO . Our brand is a vindication of insolence, refusal to  accept the arbitrary conventions established, the ideas, the speeches hammered, etc ... First of all, freedom of speech, the power and the courage to dare say things that few others dare say is the most important thing to us. Everything else is in the service of freedom of opinion.


the baseline braves, bastards and heaven

Braves, bastards and heaven


Our work, by highlighting some events, allow in fact, sometimes, to pay tribute to the men and women who arouse our admiration, contemporary or not known to the public or not. Those who have brought a lot and may not have got the recognition they deserved. These people that we consider geniuses in the etymological sense, that is to say, not "higher" spirits but "individuals".

BUT the project is not just to create a pantheon of forgotten heroes. Also, for others, on the contrary, it is by no means congratulations, thank you, let alone condone the actions or words. The terms that most people use to them range from small thug, to crook, through criminal, criminal and even monster in some cases. But a reflection on the events that make our story about angels and demons of the present and the past that haunt us, provide us with valuable knowledge about ourselves as a society and as individuals. Moreover these figures and specific moments in their career who are chosen are "always," and we insist on this point, subject to the messages we want to deliver. For this reason, love or disgust they inspire are totally secondary.


History is a "true romance" in the words of PAUL VEYNE, a frnech historian. If the facts are undeniable, they can be approached in several very different angles, and according to the place where we talk, the "truth" can have a suit or another. ... That's why this formula that can be translated as "Heroes, bastards and paradise" perfectly illustrates our mindset. We reject Manichean visions that compel us to sanctify certain personalities to demonize others and so cut short any debate. History as we know it, is a matter of men and women it is for everyone to judge as good or bad, in all conscience.